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OMics Compendia Commons

OMiCC is a free online crowdsourcing platform for creating and analyzing annotated gene expression data collections from over forty thousand human and mouse studies. The platform takes publicly available genomic data from various databases and puts it in one place for members of the research community to categorize and annotate using standardized terms. Users can contribute to the online community by sharing metadata for data collation and analysis results across different studies. This online tool allows users to pool groups of data and perform meta-analyses to develop novel biological insights. All of these various data groupings are saved for further use and investigation.

Project URL:

Geographic Scope: Web application available worldwide

Project Status: Active - recruiting volunteers

Participation Tasks: Annotation, Data analysis, Finding entities, Sample analysis,

Start Date: 06/01/2016

Project Contact:

Federal Government Sponsor:

NIH logo

Other Federal Government Sponsor:

Fields of Science: Biology, Health and medicine

Intended Outcomes: Facilitate the identification of gene expression signatures for various diseases and conditions by leveraging the collective expertise of the scientific community to efficiently annotate and group publicly available transcriptomic datasets