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Berkeley Lab Range Hood Roundup

Berkeley Lab scientists have spent decades investigating how everyday activities affect indoor air quality. We study pollutant sources in homes and develop effective controls. Our recent study found that cooking without proper kitchen ventilation often produces air pollutant levels in homes that exceed outdoor air quality standards. Berkeley Labs Range Hood Roundup is gathering information about cooking patterns and kitchen ventilation in U.S. homes. The information provided, along with data from thousands of others across the country, will help develop recommendations for improving indoor air quality and health through better building codes and product standards.

Project URL:

Geographic Scope: National

Project Status: Complete - recruiting volunteers

Participation Tasks: Data entry, Observation,

Start Date: 2014-09-01

Project Contact:

Federal Government Sponsor:

EPA logo DOE logo HUD logo

Other Federal Government Sponsor:

Fields of Science: Ecology and environment, Education, Food, Health and medicine

Intended Outcomes: Research development, Individual learning,