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Tongass National Forest Bat Citizen Science Program

The Wrangell Ranger District assisted the Alaska Department of Fish & Game with recruiting and organizing volunteers to participate in a bat citizen science project. The project involved volunteers performing bimonthly acoustic driving surveys of bats with bat detectors during the summer months. The District also received Tongass Diversity Grant funding to purchase equipment to be used to develop a bat research project with the local schools. The National Forest received an EduBat Trunk and its resources were shared with District employees working with the public.

Project URL:

Geographic Scope: Tongass National Forest

Project Status: Active - not recruiting volunteers

Participation Tasks: Audio or video recording, Measurement, Observation,

Start Date:

Project Contact:

Federal Government Sponsor:

USFS logo USDA logo

Other Federal Government Sponsor:

Fields of Science: Ecology and environment, Nature and outdoors

Intended Outcomes: Programmatic, Research development, Conservation,