Federal Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science Community of Practice
Welcome to Our Community!
There are groups within the federal government working to advance crowdsourcing and citizen science use and practice. These are:
The Federal Community of Practice for Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science is a grassroots community open to all federal practitioners working on, funding, or just interested in learning more about crowdsourcing and citizen science. To join the listserv, email FCPCCS-subscribe-request@listserv.gsa.gov with subscribe FCPCCS in the subject and enter your name + agency you work for.
Agency Citizen Science and Crowdsourcing Coordinators are a group of federal employees designated by their agency leaders to be responsible for implementing tasks to advance crowdsourcing and citizen science.
The Federal Crowdsourcing Webinar Series explores how federal agencies are engaging the crowd to multiply the ideas and perspectives they bring to certain issues.
If you have questions, please email citizenscience@gsa.gov.