TreesCount! 2015
TreesCount! 2015 is New York City’s third decadal effort to inventory our urban forest. Volunteers, led by NYC Parks, map and assess every street tree on every block of the city. Volunteers are trained to identify and assess trees using simple site surveying tools and record all data in a customized application that can be accessed on a phone. No prior experience is required. All data will feed directly into NYC Parks’ forestry management system and will lead to the construction of a publicly interactive map to track stewardship activities. So far, thousands of volunteers have participated and nearly 40% of the city is completed. US Forest Service scientists partner on this project for quality assurance studies and social science research about volunteer engagement.
Project URL:
Geographic Scope: International
Project Status: Active
Participation Tasks: Classification or tagging, Data entry, Geolocation, Identification, Learning, Measurement,
Start Date: 2015-05-01
Project Contact:
Federal Government Sponsor:
Other Federal Government Sponsor:
Fields of Science: Biology, Ecology and environment, Nature and outdoors
Intended Outcomes: Research development, Civic and community, Conservation,