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Field Photo App

This Geo-Referenced Field Photo Library is a community- and citizen- science data portal for people to share, visualize and archive geo-referenced photos from the fields in the world. Users can upload, edit, query and download geo-referenced field photos in the library, and use the photo-based thematic geospatial datasets for the studies of land use and land cover change, the impacts of extreme weather events, and wildlife conservation, etc. Users who provide photos can decide whether individual photos are to be shared or not. A registered user can upload photos into the library and has access to more field photos in the library than a guest user.

Project URL:

Geographic Scope: National

Project Status: Active - recruiting volunteers

Participation Tasks: Classification or tagging, Data entry, Geolocation, Observation, Photography, Site selection and/or description,

Start Date: 2015-09-05

Project Contact:

Federal Government Sponsor:

NSF logo NOAA logo USDA logo

Other Federal Government Sponsor: USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (USDA-NIFA)

Fields of Science: Climate and weather, Ecology and environment, Geography

Intended Outcomes: Research development, Civic and community, Individual learning, Conservation,