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Southern Arizona Bat-Hummingbird Feeder Monitoring Study

Data collected from this study will be used by scientists to better understand the lesser long-nosed bat Leptonycteris yerbabuenae, a species listed as endangered under the federal Endangered Species Act. It will also be used by the Town of Marana and the City of Tucson in development of their Habitat Conservation Plans. By gathering data on where bats are feeding, when they arrive and leave the Tucson Basin, and tracking a few bats with radio transmitters, we can gain a better understanding of their foraging habitat, how they travel from their roosts to foraging sites, and the locations of their roosts. This will allow us to plan more effective conservation strategies and minimize any impacts we might be having on this endangered species.

Project URL:

Geographic Scope: Local, around Marana AZ

Project Status: Active - recruiting volunteers

Participation Tasks: Identification, Measurement, Observation, Photography,

Start Date: 2007

Project Contact:

Federal Government Sponsor:

Fish and Wildlife Service logo

Other Federal Government Sponsor:

Fields of Science: Animals, Ecology and environment, Nature and outdoors, Pollinators/insects

Intended Outcomes: Research development, Conservation,