Regional Air Sensor Loan Program
EPA Regions and the communities they serve want to understand the air pollutant concentrations and potential pollution exposures in local-scale environments where people live and work. One way to do this is through the use of air quality sensor pods which are less expensive, portable monitoring equipment that can provide finer spatial and temporal resolution than is possible with traditional air monitoring. This project will enable EPA Regions to conduct short term projects investigating local and regional air quality using air quality sensor pods borrowed from EPA’s Office of Research and Development.
Project URL:
Geographic Scope: Check your local Regional EPA office – loans currently scheduled for EPA Regions 1, 2, 3, 5, and 8
Project Status: Active - recruiting volunteers
Participation Tasks: Learning, Measurement,
Start Date: 10/1/2017
Project Contact:
Federal Government Sponsor:
Other Federal Government Sponsor:
Fields of Science: Ecology and environment, Education
Intended Outcomes: Fixed regulatory air monitoring networks may not capture local-scale air quality conditions within urban communities. Portable, lower-cost sensor pods can provide finer spatial and temporal resolution than is possible with traditional monitoring equipment. This project gives EPA Regions the ability to borrow sensor pods to investigate local air quality.