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There is currently not a nationwide beach grain size database, which limits large-scale coastal studies. SandSnap is a research initiative to amass a nationwide beach sand grain size database with the help of citizen scientists taking photos of the beach sand with their smart phones. This grain size information will be used by researchers and local officials to learn more about coastal dynamics and make better management decisions.

Project URL:

Geographic Scope: United States Sandy Beaches

Project Status: Active - recruiting volunteers

Participation Tasks: Geolocation, Measurement, Observation, Photography, Specimen/sample collection,

Start Date: 01/01/2020

Project Contact:

Federal Government Sponsor:

DOD logo

Other Federal Government Sponsor: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

Fields of Science: Geology and earth science, Ocean/water and marine

Intended Outcomes: The goal of this project is to build a database of coastal sediment characteristics from photos collected by citizen scientists.